Herbs de Provence - posebna provansalska zeliščna mešanica
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Herbs de Provence
Herbs de Provence je francoska visoko kvalitetna mešanica zelišč. Gre za mešanico posebnih aromatičnih zelišč po starem francoskem receptu iz Provanse. Arome se v tej mešanici harmonično združijo z vonjem cvetov sivke. Ker je jugovzhodni del Francije – Provansa – bogat z zelišči in dišavnicami, ima provansalska mešanica lahko več različic, prepričani pa smo, da vam bo naša različica še posebno všeč.
Mešanico lahko kombinirate z mnogimi jedmi: solatami, zelenjavo, mesom ali ribo. Dodamo jo lahko testeninam ali rižu, pa tudi juham in pečenemu krompirju. K mešanici se odlično poda olivno olje.
Bazilika, timijan, majaron, origano, rožmarin, sivka.
Lahko vsebuje sledi zelene in gorčice.
Shranjujemo v suhem, temnem in hladnem prostoru.
Nepredušna vrečka z zadrgo, kjer izdelek ohrani vso svežino in aromo. Embalaža ščiti pred svetlobo in zrakom, saj je sestavljena iz več slojev zaščite, ki ohranjajo lastnosti vsebine.
Embalaža je zelo praktična in omogoča recikliranje.
I used this to fill a pin hole in a weld seam on a marine exhaust elbow. Product was applied per instructions and appears to have solved the problem. I give it 5/5 stars I was able to stop the leak for such a low price 👍
This stuff is unreal. Had some spot welds crack on the bottom of a stool, and figured I would give this a shot to repair it. This is the hardest metal paste I’ve ever used, and bonds extremely strong to metal.👌👌
As a Mechanical Engineer I had occasion to use or test virtually every adhesive known to man. There is a seemingly endless variety of epoxies, but, out of all of them, I have not found one that can match the performance of this.
Highly recommend for small welding jobs. Tried soldering and wouldn’t take so had this recommended to me. Easy to use, just let it set for 24 hrs and works like a champ. Saved me 119 euros on a new bracket 😎😎
This will really fix your stuff - stuff that superglue can't fix. I've used it around the screw holes on a poor quality replacement OEM dryer handle where they were structuraly weak. I plastered this around each screw hole 'post' and so far it works great! 🙂
I always have some of this in the house. It's very useful and makes an incredibly strong bond on all sorts of materials. I really recommend MetaFix!